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埃斯佩爾坎普/新加坡,2024 年 7 月 26 日 --- 浩亭技術集團歡迎旗下子公司浩亭新加坡的新任行政總裁兼區域經理: 劉莉珊(Mabel Low)現在負責東盟(東南亞國家聯盟)、ANZ(澳大利亞、新西蘭)、中國、印度、韓國和日本地區的業務管理。
Espelkamp/Singapore, 26 July 2024 --- The HARTING Technology Group welcomes a new Managing Director and Corporate Regional Manager at its subsidiary HARTING Singapore Pte. Ltd.: Mabel Low is now responsible for the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), ANZ (Australia, New Zealand), China, India, Korea and Japan regions.
 “有了劉女士的加入,我們贏得了一名得力幹將。她將協助我們擴大並進一步加強在重要的東亞關鍵市場的影響力。我們期待著成果的合作。”浩亭技術集團人力資源和法律事務董事會成員Doris Höpfl 強調說道。
劉莉珊(Mabel Low)在技術行業擁有超過二十年的經驗。在澳洲科廷大學新加坡校區就學後,劉女士在策安安防機構獲得了寶貴的經驗,近期一段工作經歷是在3M公司擔任東南亞地區集團業務總監。

"With Ms Low, we have gained a competent manager for this position. She will support us in expanding and further strengthening our presence in the important East Asian key markets. We look forward to a successful collaboration," emphasises Doris Höpfl, Board Member for Human Resources and Legal Affairs at the HARTING Technology Group.
Mabel Low brings with her more than two decades of experience in the technology industry. After studying at Curtis University in Singapore, she gained valuable experience at Certis CISCO and most recently worked as Group Business Director Southeast Asia at 3M.

亞太區聯絡人Contact Asia:
浩亭新加坡有限公司 HARTING Singapore Pte Limited
馮燕蘭 Ada Fung
亞太區市場傳訊經理 Marketing Communications Manager, Asia
3A International Business Park,
ICON@IBP Tower A #07-02, Singapore 609935
TEL:+65 6279 1379

More information atwww.HARTING.com/TW

日      期:2024/07/26

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